FINANZE - NEWS NEWS it FINANZE RSS Feed Generator I risultati della formula per gli ultimi dieci anni Formula Investing’s Model Portfolio Performance based on Joel Greenblatt’s Investment Strategy /* Deluxe Menu Data File Created by Deluxe Tuner v3.2 */ // -- Deluxe Tuner Style Names var bstylesNames=["Individual Style",]; // -- End of Deluxe Tuner Style Names //--- Common var bblankImage="deluxe-tabs.files/blank.gif"; var bitemCursor="pointer"; var bselectedItem=1; //--- Dimensions var bmenuWidth="500px"; var bmenuHeight="30px"; //--- Positioning var babsolute=0; var bleft="120px"; var btop="120px"; //--- Font var bfontStyle=["normal 13px Arial","normal 13px Arial","bold 13px Arial"]; var bfontColor=["#043472","043472","#ffffff"]; var bfontDecoration=["","",""]; //--- Tab-mode var tabMode=0; var bselectedSmItem=10; var bsmHeight=23; var bsmBackColor="#FFFFFF"; var bsmBorderColor="#ffffff"; var bsmBorderWidth=0; var bsmBorderStyle="solid"; var bsmBorderBottomDraw=1; var bitemTarget="_blank"; var bsmItemAlign="center"; var bsmItemSpacing=1; var bsmItemPadding="2px"; //--- Appearance var bmenuBackColor="#ffffff"; var bmenuBackImage=""; var bmenuBorderColor="#000000"; var bmenuBorderWidth=0; var bmenuBorderStyle=""; //--- Tabs Appearance var bbeforeItemSpace=0; var bafterItemSpace=0; var bitemBackColor=["#ffffff","",""]; var bitemBorderColor=["#ffffff","#ffffff","#ffffff"]; var bitemBorderWidth=0; var bitemBorderStyle=["","",""]; var bitemAlign="center"; var bitemSpacing=0; var bitemPadding="0px"; var browSpace=0; //--- Tabs Images var bitemBackImage=["deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_n_back.gif","deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_o_back.gif","deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_s_back.gif"]; var bbeforeItemImage=["deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_n_left.gif","deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_o_left.gif","deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_s_left.gif"]; var bafterItemImage=["deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_n_right.gif","deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_o_right.gif","deluxe-tabs.files/styleFF_s_right.gif"]; var bbeforeItemImageW=10; var bbeforeItemImageH=30; var bafterItemImageW=10; var bafterItemImageH=30; //--- Icons var biconWidth=12; var biconHeight=30; var biconAlign=""; //--- Separators var bseparatorWidth="1px"; //--- Transitional Effects var transparency="100"; var transition=-1; var transOptions=""; var transDuration=350; var transDuration2=200; var shadowLen=0; var shadowColor="#B1B1B1"; var shadowTop=0; //--- Floatable Menu var bfloatable=0; var bfloatIterations=6; var bstyles = [ ["bitemBackColor=#ffffff,#bbccee,#bbccee","bitemBorderColor=#ffffff,#316AC5,#316AC5","bitemBorderWidth=1"], ]; var bmenuItems = [ ["-","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["Hypothetical Growth of $10,000","Dollar", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["Returns by Time Period","CAGR", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["Calendar Year Returns ","Year", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["-","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ]; dtabs_init(); Hypothetical Growth of $10,000Returns by Time PeriodCalendar Year Returns .dtabslinks{display:none} #dtabslinks{display:none} Graph of $10,000 invested in Formula Investing Model Portfolio vs. S&P 500 July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2009 Important Disclosures for Model Portfolio Performance Results Back-tested performance is hypothetical (it does not reflect trading in actual accounts) and is provided for informational and illustrative purposes to indicate historical performance had the model portfolio been available over a relevant period. These results are not intended to recommend trades or be considered investment advice. The results of the model portfolio performance: Reflect the strategy of buying an equity portfolio of 24 top-ranked US listed equities that are within the 20% largest companies, as measured by market capitalization. As of June 30, 2009, these companies would have market capitalizations of approximately $890 million or greater. The portfolio is rebalanced quarterly and after the initial rebalancing, stocks are held for approximately one year. The ranking of these stocks is determined by a proprietary formula that considers two major factors: return on capital and earnings yield. Use average composite returns that were calculated by initially establishing 12 model portfolios starting on the first day of every month beginning on July 1, 1999 and ending on June 1, 2000. These model portfolios were then used throughout the ten year period ending June 30, 2009. Reflect the strategy that is used to manage Formula Investing’s Professionally-Managed accounts. Are not based on actual trading and do not reflect the potential market impact of buying and selling securities, trade timing, and security liquidity.Reflect the deduction of a quarterly management fee of 0.25% of total assets.Include dividends that are held as cash until the next quarterly rebalancing and are then reinvested into the new portfolio holdingsRepresent a 100% initial investment in equities, while the actual results of using this strategy typically results in a small percentage of assets in cash. This cash cushion would generally reduce overall performance in rising markets and improve overall performance in declining markets. Back-tested performance results have certain inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any model or model mix will achieve performance similar to that shown. Formula Investing reserves the right to modify its current investment strategy at any time. Viewers should remember that past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The results of the S&P 500 Index: Include the reinvestment of dividends.Will have a volatility that is materially different from that of the model portfolio. Average Annual Returns ending June 30, 2009 Portfolio 10 Year 5 Year 3 Year 1 Year Formula Investing Model Portfolio(net of fees) 11.4% 7.8% -0.9% -15.0% S&P 500 Index -2.2% -2.2% -8.2% -26.2% Total Returns ending June 30, 2009 Portfolio 10 Year 5 Year 3 Year 1 Year Formula Investing Model Portfolio(net of fees) 193.8% 45.7% -2.6% -15.0% S&P 500 Index -20.1% -10.7% -22.7% -26.2% Important Disclosures for Model Portfolio Performance Results Back-tested performance is hypothetical (it does not reflect trading in actual accounts) and is provided for informational and illustrative purposes to indicate historical performance had the model portfolio been available over a relevant period. These results are not intended to recommend trades or be considered investment advice. The results of the model portfolio performance: Reflect the strategy of buying an equity portfolio of 24 top-ranked US listed equities that are within the 20% largest companies, as measured by market capitalization. As of June 30, 2009, these companies would have market capitalizations of approximately $890 million or greater. The portfolio is rebalanced quarterly and after the initial rebalancing, stocks are held for approximately one year. The ranking of these stocks is determined by a proprietary formula that considers two major factors: return on capital and earnings yield. Use average composite returns that were calculated by initially establishing 12 model portfolios starting on the first day of every month beginning on July 1, 1999 and ending on June 1, 2000. These model portfolios were then used throughout the ten year period ending June 30, 2009. Reflect the strategy that is used to manage Formula Investing’s Professionally-Managed accounts. Are not based on actual trading and do not reflect the potential market impact of buying and selling securities, trade timing, and security liquidity.Reflect the deduction of a quarterly management fee of 0.25% of total assets.Include dividends that are held as cash until the next quarterly rebalancing and are then reinvested into the new portfolio holdingsRepresent a 100% initial investment in equities, while the actual results of using this strategy typically results in a small percentage of assets in cash. This cash cushion would generally reduce overall performance in rising markets and improve overall performance in declining markets. Back-tested performance results have certain inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any model or model mix will achieve performance similar to that shown. Formula Investing reserves the right to modify its current investment strategy at any time. Viewers should remember that past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The results of the S&P 500 Index: Include the reinvestment of dividends.Will have a volatility that is materially different from that of the model portfolio. Calendar Year Returns July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2009 Portfolio 19991 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20092 Avg3 Formula Investing Model Portfolio(net of fees) 6.8% 8.8% 35.9% -21.0% 51.7% 27.9% 21.7% 13.4% 15.4% -36.2% 19.6% 11.4% S&P 500 Index 7.7% -9.1% -11.9% -22.1% 28.7% 10.9% 4.9% 15.8% 5.5% -37.0% 3.2% -2.2% 1From July 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 2Through June 30, 2009 3Average stated is the compounded annual rate of growth over a specified period of time, thus giving the rate at which an investment would have grown from one year to another at a steady rate. Important Disclosures for Model Portfolio Performance Results Back-tested performance is hypothetical (it does not reflect trading in actual accounts) and is provided for informational and illustrative purposes to indicate historical performance had the model portfolio been available over a relevant period. These results are not intended to recommend trades or be considered investment advice. The results of the model portfolio performance: Reflect the strategy of buying an equity portfolio of 24 top-ranked US listed equities that are within the 20% largest companies, as measured by market capitalization. As of June 30, 2009, these companies would have market capitalizations of approximately $890 million or greater. The portfolio is rebalanced quarterly and after the initial rebalancing, stocks are held for approximately one year. The ranking of these stocks is determined by a proprietary formula that considers two major factors: return on capital and earnings yield. Use average composite returns that were calculated by initially establishing 12 model portfolios starting on the first day of every month beginning on July 1, 1999 and ending on June 1, 2000. These model portfolios were then used throughout the ten year period ending June 30, 2009. Reflect the strategy that is used to manage Formula Investing’s Professionally-Managed accounts. Are not based on actual trading and do not reflect the potential market impact of buying and selling securities, trade timing, and security liquidity.Reflect the deduction of a quarterly management fee of 0.25% of total assets.Include dividends that are held as cash until the next quarterly rebalancing and are then reinvested into the new portfolio holdingsRepresent a 100% initial investment in equities, while the actual results of using this strategy typically results in a small percentage of assets in cash. This cash cushion would generally reduce overall performance in rising markets and improve overall performance in declining markets. Back-tested performance results have certain inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any model or model mix will achieve performance similar to that shown. Formula Investing reserves the right to modify its current investment strategy at any time. Viewers should remember that past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The results of the S&P 500 Index: Include the reinvestment of dividends.Will have a volatility that is materially different from that of the model portfolio. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This material is not financial advice. The data shown in these screens is for demonstration purposes only and does not represent actual results. This is not a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular security. There is no guarantee that the strategies discussed will prove to be profitable. Formula Investing, LLC is a registered investment advisor. FI-09-31 var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-9130322-3"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Tue, 13 Oct 2009 00:00:00 GMT